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August 1st and August 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen California International®

Berlyn Sharp - Top Ten

1.What is the funniest thing you remember as a child?
I was loved Rapunzel; the fairy tale about a prince and a girl with magical long blond hair, that eventually conquered all of the Witch's’ evil intentions. After learning that Rapunzel lost her magic when her hair was cut, I vowed not to cut my beautiful blonde tresses. I didn’t have my first hair cut until 6yrs old because I didn’t want to lose my magic!

2.What is the one piece of clothing you wish you owned?
I wish I could skateboard. I live in a household with nothing but brothers and it would be really fun to skate with them. I love the creativity of the sport and know that I have the coordination and persistence required to be good at it but, Skateboarding can be unforgiving as failing often means slamming into concrete, which isn’t ideal when you’re pursuing a future collegiate career as a gymnast.

3.What season of the year is your favorite and why?
Dr. Kennedy Garcia, my mentor, personal cheerleader and Mrs. California International 2023. She pushes me toward my goals, inspires me to be a leader and is one of the most supportive humans I know. Surprising me at gymnastics, exposing me to new adventures and sharing life experiences are just a few things that make our relationship so special. She competed at California International because I asked her to and now we get to reign together!

4.What is your favorite movie?
I dressed as the one and only, 2020 Olympic vault silver medalist, MyKayla Skinner. As a current level 9 gymnast myself, her career is one that I dream of. She was a scholar athlete at the University of Utah which is one of my dream schools and a 2X olympian. Her motto of never giving up is something I admire and part of the story I shared on Halloween when asked about my costume.

5.What song makes you think of yourself?
Shake it Off by Taylor Swift is not just a song that makes me dance every time I hear it, its also a mantra I have adopted when dealing with negativity. I can never be in a bad mood when I hear this song and if I am, you know, I will just, shake it off!